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السعودية: حظر تجول المعلمات في المدارس أثناء وجود الرجال

بقلم This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it  في يوم الثلاثاء, 15 مارس 2011

ذكر تقرير اليوم الثلاثاء أن وزارة التربية في السعودية سنت ضوابط جديدة لدخول الرجال مدارس البنات أو أياً من الأقسام والإدارات والوحدات النسائية التابعة للوزارة في الحالات الطارئة أو إصلاح الأعطال خلال وقت الدوام الرسمي.

وقالت صحيفة "الوطن" السعودية، إن على مديرة المدرسة تبليغ جميع المعلمات والطالبات بحظر التجول في مرافق المدرسة وقت تواجد الفنيين، وملازمة حارس المدرسة للرجال منذ دخولهم أروقتها وحتى مغادرتهم بعد إنجازهم مهمتهم، مع ضرورة تزويد إدارة التشغيل والصيانة بشهادة إنجاز العمل.

وشملت الضوابط تحذير مديرات المدارس بتحمل كامل المسؤولية في حالة إحضار عمالة خارجية للقيام بأعمال الصيانة داخل المدرسة.

تتمة المقالة في الأسفل

ووفقاً للصحيفة، تأتي تلك الخطوات بسبب حدوث حالات طارئة تستدعي دخول الرجال للمنشآت التعليمية النسائية وقت الدوام الرسمي، مثل أعمال الصيانة الطارئة التي تستدعي تدخل الفنيين لإنهاء مشكلة قبل تفاقمها.

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تنويه: الآراء التي يعرب عنها زوار الموقع هنا لا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي موقع آريبيان بزنس أو العاملين فيه.

تعليقات القراء (4 تعليقات)

stop worrying about us
المرسل abeer في 21 آذار 2011 - 10:53 بتوقيت الإمارات العربية المتحدة

we saudi women like it this way . And we live A very comfort life because we choos to not because some one made us do it . first read about Islam and its way of life from Arabic writer second think about for awhile and stop worrying about us and dont took on our behave
Hello Yaser
المرسل Fudel, Vienna في 17 آذار 2011 - 15:46 بتوقيت الإمارات العربية المتحدة

To begin with let me say I am glad that you are against separation between genders.1 However, I do not agree with you that there are some nationalities who are like animals and without brains!! Firstly because animals do have brains unlike what you think; Secondly because it is always unfair to generalize; Thirdly because those nationalities (I don't know which ones you meant) are living also in other countries outside of KSA, and if the actions that KSA government are taking against those nationalities are working out then you wouldn't be hearing about continuous beheadings following to Friday prayers and other barbaric punishments against offenders!1
Moreover, take a look at other GCC countries where women and men are living, working and interacting with each other in all public areas except in private places like toilets, fitting rooms, etc. yet we don't see a national crisis resulting from those relations and interactions, knowing that they share the same traditions and values as in the KSA but certainly not the same view.1

After reading your comment, I felt that unless we the Arabs begin adopting more mind openness, forgiveness, trusting and become less judging and more tolerant with each other, we shall remain third world countries many years from now. For example, Hosni Mubarak always used to treat Egyptians as if they were without dignity, pride or brain, but was this the truth? Of course not! But what were the results of his stupid and ignorant actions against his own people? Egyptians were being treated in most other Arab countries as if they were brainless, beggars, low, cheap, without dignity, etc. until the latest uprising... Back to our subject, my point is, in your comment you said that some nationalities are like brainless animals, assuming that that was true for the sake of argument, I believe that once their governments begin treating them as responsible and respectful human beings then they will begin acting like ones and you will start seeing change taking place over the years until they become developed and modernized communities!!1

Take a look at UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman where women are Government top officials, Ministers, Airplane Captains, Doctors, Social Therapists, TV presenters, etc.1 Why then did these Muslim countries (which still have a long way to go) choose to empower women rather than suppress them?1 Does the government in KSA know something that they don't? Or is it that those other GCC countries full of rape, murder, women abuse and torture?? None of the above I guess!!1

Finally, those "brainless animals" which you mentioned also do travel to Europe & USA and they behave well over there, unlike what the KSA government believes.1
Dear Fudel
المرسل Yaser في 16 آذار 2011 - 13:20 بتوقيت الإمارات العربية المتحدة

dear Fudel, i am against separating women and men in this way, but if u want the truth, some men have bad intension against women, especially some nationalities, they are like animals without brain. this is one side.
but the other side, is that you cannot compare human being with animals, because humans have brain, and this is what makes us deferent than animals.
This is another murder to the human mind, dignity and freedom
المرسل Fudel, Vienna في 15 آذار 2011 - 13:20 بتوقيت الإمارات العربية المتحدة

Or maybe not??? maybe stone age had much more humanity, openness, respect and dignity!!1 I guess by then the forms of abuse were merely physical, but now they are mental and psychological. This is very much degrading to humanity and an insult to any human being on the face of the planet. What I can't understand is the absence of the mind in all that!!! I mean come on guys, take a look around you, learn from nature which is also the creation of god. For example do you see female Bees flying together separating themselves from male Bees? or living in a separate hive? or wearing a scarf?1
Do you see Ants forming two lines based on gender when marching towards food? one line for males and the other for females??1

What about birds, snakes, fish, etc etc etc...1

Why then do we human beings think that we should live according to a different law? I wonder why?1

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